February 23, 2025
world barbers day (1)

World barber day is conducted every year on 16th September in the world to show their unity and to grant help to people who are in need by contribution and donations by barber community.


Barbers of the middle ages not only practiced shaving, hair-cutting, and hair-dressing, they also dressed wounds and performed surgical operations. They were called barber-surgeons. From the year 1092 .A.D. Hair care service grows in demand after a papal decree demanded that all Roman Catholic clergymen remove facial hair. The barber-surgeons formed their first organization in France in 1096 . by using the combination of numbers in the year 1096 . 09 th month (September) and 16th day of every year i.e. 16th September was declared as Barbers Day.

Declaration of Barbers day is A global initiative with an international Organisation UNICEF (United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund) the initiative encourages barbers to unite at world level and raise funds to help protect and educate children all over the world.

The look of the barber pole is linked to bloodletting, with red representing blood and white representing the bandages used to stop the bleeding. The pole itself is said to symbolize the stick that a patient squeezed to make the veins in his arm stand out more prominently for the procedure. In Europe, barber poles traditionally are red and white, while in America, the poles are red, white and blue.


For 2019, World Barber Day has partnered up with The Bluebeards Revenge and they have more than doubled their registrations this year. Even if you haven’t registered yourself, you can still urge clients to donate. If you register now they will be on the list to receive a pack next year.

Barbershops can support World Barber Day in a many ways and it all starts by registering your store, completely free, online. Once registered, you will receive a free welcome pack that contains promotional items to help show that you are supporters/participants of World Barber Day.

You can show your support by encouraging clients to make a donation on the World Barber Day festival website, organize an event or have a special offer in-store to raise awareness or simply just spread the word on your social media platforms using the #worldbarberday. Donations will be handled by the JustGiving platform with funds going directly to UNICEF.


In return for registering, participating shops will be highlighted on World Barber Day’s social media platforms on the run up to, and over, World Barber Day weekend. They will be listed on the website as official participants and will receive a fundraising pack. The event founders want barbers themselves to be the brand ambassadors of World Barber Day. Upon registration they contact each barbershop individually asking them to send photos of their store and team so that they can highlight them.


Friends at International level Barbers are uniting for a good cause. We are proud ourselves as Barbers “Jai Kshourik Jai Jai Kshourik

We wish you all “ Happy Barber Day”

Report by :

Bhaskar Bhandary Shiralakoppa

English Language translation by::

Lecturer in commerce

1 thought on “16 th September World Barber Day

  1. Very nicely analysed with pics of world Barber Day and also enhancing the dignity of the Barber and 16th sep to be celebrated as festival of all Barbers in the world

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