January 18, 2025
bhANDary vivhaa
On 13th September 2018 , Thursday launched bhandaryvivaha.com website for  Bhandary community People living across the world, who are  native of Mangalore, Udupi and Kasaragod. 
It was hosted on a special day of Ganesha chaturthi with innovative design and user friendly technology, now available in public domain address www.bhandaryvivaha.com
Marriage is a important part of life for Indian communities and also believe marriage alliance are decide in heaven. In the present age of nuclear family system all of us are experiencing difficulties in getting suitable partner for marriage, which is already decided in the heaven.
Need of the hour is a specific media for matrimonial alliance .Before the launching of telecommunication in India we didn’t had a world wide media for communication. So we were depending only local matrimony agent to search suitable partner for marriage. Or else depending on relatives marriage function as a media for matrimonial alliance. 
Nowadays due improved technology in mass media, made a lot of development in communication. We have many worldwide communication media for matrimonial alliance to say a few like tele_communication, social_media, world wide web etc..
Tulunadu Bhandary community also facing problem in getting suitable marriage alliance although we have equal gender ratio. 
 In Bhandary community we are organised and united in Kachuru Barkuru to build a temple for community and started community services. Bhandary people meet every year and Organizing an event in one place on a special day has helped for matrimonial alliance seeking.
Mr. Prakash Bhandary Katla coined a new concept using advanced technology and hosted a matrimonial website and served free of cost for society.
In the last 5 year bhandaryvivaha.com website connected more than hundreds of couples. It was stopped for some reason in the last two year. 
Now once again hosted & relaunched the website in same domain for the benefit of Bhandary community people with user friendly technology.
We request all the Bhandary families to make use of the services provided in the interest of all, spread the message to your relatives and friends from the community.

How to use

  1. Register and create an account
  2. Verify your email ID
  3. Create a profile by filling all the fields and wait for approval
  4. Once approved, find a suitable profile and you can contact the member directly or send the message.
  5. Bhandary Vivaha provides only online service and does not have any office space.
  6. In case you find any profiles with incorrect data please notify us.
  7. Please inform us if you get your life partner from this portal.
  8. Any suggestions are always welcome.
  9. Create multiple profiles under one account. Ex: Parents want to create their children profiles.           



Contact us:

For any queries please feel free to contact us:

Prakash Bhandary Katla
Chairman and CEO

Bhandary Media Network

9916013694 (Call)
9845125214 (WhatsApp)


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